You’re about to register for one of the TOP conferences on how to run Engaging Virtual Meetings.
About this event
Hey, this is Author and Conference Organizer John Chen. I know it’s all about Connection and Content! I’m proud to announce this year’s conference. We’ll feature 9 of the top virtual speakers in the world and help you elevate your virtual meetings to the next level!
Do your virtual meetings suck? Do you want to beat Zoom Fatigue? Do you want to host the most engaging virtual meetings?
It’s over 2 years after pandemic and our research shows that ENGAGEMENT is still the #1 problem on virtual meetings.
Hi, I’m John Chen, the author of Engaging Virtual Meetings. What YOU need is the Engaging Virtual Meetings Conference 3.0. The Engaging Virtual Meetings Conference 3.0 is a 5-day conference with 9 of the world’s experts on hosting virtual meetings.
Click the video to learn more!
Schedule At A Glance
Friday 10/14/2022 – Setting Conference Goals
5:00 PM – Debra Eckerling – How to Set Goals for a Conference
*** SPECIAL LINK *** https://zoom.us/j/92115365221
Tuesday 10/18/2022 – Connection
9:00 AM – Opening Ceremony
10:00 AM – John Chen – Powerful Connection is the Spectacular King and Beautiful Queen
11:00 AM – Ella Glasgow – You Need To Know How To Own The Virtual Stage!™️
12:00 PM – Rachel Cossar – How to Make Video Meeting Feel More Human
Wednesday 10/19/2022 – Engage With Lo/No Tech
9:00 AM – Shelley Golden – Zoom Makeover: How to Make Your Virtual Space YOUR Space.
10:00 AM – Tyler Parris – Planning High-Stakes Virtual Meetings
11:00 AM – Kellan Fluckiger – Forgiveness – There is no Plan B for your A Game
12:00 PM – Myriam Hadnes – Falling in Love on Zoom
Thursday 10/20/2022 – The New Norm
9:00 AM – Zef Zan – Master LIVE Video Conversations to Get to YE$ Connections.
10:00 AM – Elisabeth Steele – Zoom Like a Pro
11:00 AM – Josh Yavelberg – How to Make Breakthrough Engaging Virtual Gamification
12:00 PM – John Chen – This is the New Mind-Blowing Virtual Norm
Friday 10/21/2022 – The Next Norm
9:00 AM – Jimbo Clark – Let’s Get Phygital: Engaging beyond The (video) Box!
10:00 AM – Moe Carrick – Bravespace Virtual Workplace in a Flexible and Remote Working World
11:00 AM – John Chen – For the First Time, Engaging Virtual Hybrid Portfolio
12:00 PM – Jacques Martiquet – The Party Scientist
Saturday 10/22/2022 – The New Norm in Virtual Fun
9:00 AM – Katie Kinsella – The Game Agency, Wheel of Fortune
10:00 AM – Jeff Evans Jeff Evans – Magic
11:00 AM – Roger Haskett – Ultimate Virtual Pub Trivia
12:00 PM – John Chen – Engaging Virtual Team Building Games
Saturday 10/22/2022 PM – The EVAs – The Engaging Virtual Meeting Awards
Come celebrate the best of virtual meetings and see what the best of the best are doing in the FIRST ANNUAL EVAs.
5:00 PM – The Engaging Virtual Meeting Awards
6:00 PM – The Engaging Virtual After Party
John Chen will lead an after party breaking it down to karaoke and networking to complete this year’s conference
Engaging Virtual Meetings is like a live concert.
Do you want to listen to your concert from the back of the parking lot?
OR do you want to be in the FRONT ROW!!!
Click the video to find out why you must upgrade to VIP!
Discover Your Next Level
When Chris Houston contacted me early pandemic last year, he shared he’s one of the top in person executive facilitators in the world, but he had no idea what to do in a pandemic. After he attended the Engaging Virtual Meetings Conference 1.0, he discovered how much can be done, AND EVEN MORE! He helped lead an engaging and valuable world-wide company retreat with attendees from the US, London, and India. This retreat changed the company’s strategy and proved way more value than NOT doing it.
That’s the value you’re going to get when you register now for the Engaging Virtual Meetings Conference 3.0. This conference is so engaging, so valuable, so fun, like a live concert! Now how do you like to experience your concert? Would you want to be outside the stadium, listening from the parking lot? OR would you rather be in the FRONT ROW???
The VIP pass is YOUR FRONT ROW ticket to this conference! Instead of watching the livestream on Facebook which is like listening to your favorite concert in the parking lot, you’ll be logged into Zoom with access to each of the experts which is like the FRONT ROW! Normally this ticket is $400, but right now there’s a discount code from any one of our partners. I know, pay for a virtual conference? Why? What does VIP get me?
Well remember you don’t have to upgrade to VIP now. But if you did, you would get:
The Engaging Virtual Meetings VIP ToolBox
This box comes with the Engaging Virtual Meetings Library of books to help your virtual meetings including an autographed copy of Engaging Virtual Meetings just for you. You’ll also get the Engaging Virtual Meetings Toolkit, over 20 items you can use over and over again to create engagement in your meetings. The box itself is an engaging activity we’ll do at the conference! This box is the MODEL for you if you host virtual conferences! The box is valued at over $100.
This is more than a conference, this is a COMMUNITY!
You’ll get access to the Engaging Virtual Meetings VIP Community. You’ll be invited to exclusive trainings and networking before the conference and up to a year after the conference. This community is KEY to getting your up-to-the minute questions answered and saving hundreds of hours in the upcoming year. Just one solution is valued at over $1,000.
Tony Robbins once said Proximity is Power!
You’ll get proximity to the 9+ virtual masters. Each master is highly skilled in what they do and wants to help you solve your problems. You’ll learn what each master is providing and find exclusive ways to share that knowledge to help elevate your virtual meetings. Tyler Parris, last year’s attendee and Chief of Staff Expert says, “Last year was junior high, this year is high school” Elevating your game through proximity with these experts is worth well over $10,000.
MOST OF ALL, this conference can change EVERYTHING for you!
Unlike a motivational conference, the Engaging Virtual Meetings conference has business value. Participants have said this completely changed how they virtually meet. Salespeople have said how much MORE EFFICIENT they are at their job now. Registering now gives YOU the TOOLSET of delivery. This will immensely improve your daily life. One person even said, “I may NEVER have to get on a plane again!” I can personally tell you that these skills helped ME sell over a quarter of a million dollars in the 2021.
I want to personally invite you to our Engaging Virtual Meetings VIP Community. I’ll guarantee it will improve your virtual meetings or your money back. Hey look, I can’t make vaccines, but I CAN help YOU make your virtual meeting MORE ENGAGING.
Don’t miss out, click now!
Register and join me at the Engaging Virtual Meetings Conference 3.0, October 18th through the 22nd and let’s take your next virtual meeting to the next level!
Still thinking about not registering now? Just click the “FOLLOW” button on the top right to hear about more upcoming programs on how to create Engaging Virtual Meetings.
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